2024 Pilot Bios

Papa's Joy

Ed DeVore

Covington, IN

Sponsored by

CrossCountry Mortgage

Years Flying Balloons - 4

When you are not flying, what do you enjoy doing?

Most anything outdoors including yard work, walking and riding. Mostly spending time with family.

Why did you become a pilot?

Having crewed for a number of years I was already in love with the sport. Becoming a pilot presented a new challenge of myself and new adventure.

What do you find is the most challenging about flying a hot air balloon?

Remaining observant of changing conditions in preparation for landing. Changing conditions can and will influence the land site selection and what type of approach you will make.

Short description of something interesting that ballooning has allowed you to do?

For me that's meeting more and more pilots, from all over the world, learning new approaches to all things and sharing the knowledge and joy with others.

What do you most want the public to know/understand about hot air balloons and flying them?

We may be landing in your neighborhood or even your back yard. We haven't crashed and encourage you to come up, ask questions, get photos and even get hands on by assisting with the pack up. Know that we love sharing this sport!