2024 Pilot Bios

Sunny Side Up

Donna Carlton-Vish

Danville, IL

Sponsored by

Lon and Nancy Henderson

Years Flying Balloons - 24

When you are not flying, what do you enjoy doing?

When I'm not flying I am doing one of two things…playing with my grandkids or volunteering with Ambucs. Ambucs help inspire independence and mobility for those with different abilities. On August 3rd I will be I will be installed Ambucs National President. I fly all over the country for both Grandkids and Ambucs.

Why did you become a pilot?

I loved everything about ballooning. I love being crew but I really loved it when I could get into the air. I decided I wished to share that with as many others as possible, especially to those with different abilities or devastating illnesses, so I became a pilot.

What do you find is the most challenging about flying a hot air balloon?

Since becoming a pilot I’ve blessed with the opportunity to give rides or ballooning experiences to kids from Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis, kids with devastating diseases and many children with disabilities mostly through a Charity called Ambucs.

Short description of something interesting that ballooning has allowed you to do?

The most challenging part of flying a balloon has nothing to do with the process of actually flying but it’s explaining to the general public about weather and how careful we as pilots must be when we choose to fly. We have very narrow and select parameters we need to follow in order to keep everyone safe and safety is our main concern so that we all can continue to enjoy this beautiful sport for many years to come.

What do you most want the public to know/understand about hot air balloons and flying them?

TRAVEL…I love seeing so many different areas of this beautiful country and world in which we live. We have so many unique climates and different terrains in which we can fly. The views from the air are spectacular, it can be rivers and valleys, mountains and desert or a big city. It is all breathtaking and it inspirational.