2024 Pilot Bios

Good n Plenty

Greg Saul

Galesburg , IL

Sponsored by

Myers Carpet Weavers

Years Flying Balloons - 34

When you are not flying, what do you enjoy doing?

Riding my Harley or being with my wife. We like to travel.

Why did you become a pilot?

I crewed for my brother for 15 years and decided he was having more fun flying than I was having crewing, so I got my pilot's license.

What do you find is the most challenging about flying a hot air balloon?

The weather. It's frustrating to go to an event and have it get rained out or winded out. Pilots like to fly and when we travel for a distance to get to an event and don't get to fly it's disappointing.

Short description of something interesting that ballooning has allowed you to do?

Meet interesting people. I tell people all the time that I have met CEO's to regular Joe's and they all have some interesting stories about how they got where they are today.

What do you most want the public to know/understand about hot air balloons and flying them?

This can be a dangerous sport! Most of the pilots who fly at your event, I have known most of my life and are very safety conscious. I myself would rather explain to you why we cannot fly, as opposed to why I flew and had an accident and injured your loved one.