2024 Pilot Bios


Lynn Brownell

Saint Louis, MO

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Darren and Natalie Duncan Family

Years Flying Balloons - 10

When you are not flying, what do you enjoy doing?

When I’m not flying balloons I am flying airplanes. When I’m not flying either, I’m looking at weather to see when I can fly next!

Why did you become a pilot?

It was after attending the GEBA balloon camp in 2014 that I decided to become a pilot.

What do you find is the most challenging about flying a hot air balloon?

There is a lot of forecasting and planning that goes into flying a hot air balloon, and you need to be able to adjust to ever-changing weather and terrain. It keeps you on your toes!

Short description of something interesting that ballooning has allowed you to do?

Ballooning has opened doors to many avenues of aviation. It led me to my career flying airplanes and opportunities to be involved in gas ballooning adventures.

What do you most want the public to know/understand about hot air balloons and flying them?

You may not technically be able to steer a balloon, but you can navigate them utilizing winds at different altitudes. Also, your ground crew are some of the most important assets you have!