2024 Pilot Bios


Stephanie Maughan

Wentzville, MO

Sponsored by

Midwest Asphalt Company

Years Flying Balloons - 2

When you are not flying, what do you enjoy doing?

I fly airplanes for my day job. Outside of flying, I love to travel and visit new places. In the summer you can find me by the pool.

Why did you become a pilot?

I have been flying airplanes for almost 15 years and I have always loved balloons. After moving to the Saint Louis area, I was able to get involved as crew and eventually learned to fly.

What do you find is the most challenging about flying a hot air balloon?

The continuously changing weather.

Short description of something interesting that ballooning has allowed you to do?

I was able to go on a balloon safari in Kenya. Nothing will ever top seeing the animals from a balloon.

What do you most want the public to know/understand about hot air balloons and flying them?

We can’t technically steer and choose a landing spot once airborne. We don’t know where we will land before we take off.