2024 Pilot Bios


Bradley Haege

Nashville, IL

Sponsored by

Goodwin and Musgrove Families

Years Flying Balloons - 4

When you are not flying, what do you enjoy doing?

I love to travel because I love seeing new places and experiencing new cultures.

Why did you become a pilot?

I became a pilot because I love floating through the sky enjoying the beauty of nature. I also love sharing my love of flying with others.

What do you find is the most challenging about flying a hot air balloon?

Waiting on the weather. All we as pilots want to do is fly but we are always dependent on Mother Nature.

Short description of something interesting that ballooning has allowed you to do?

Ballooning has allowed me to travel and fly in different states. It has also provided me with a group of lifelong friends that I am able to share my love of fly with.

What do you most want the public to know/understand about hot air balloons and flying them?

The weather is a huge factor in ballooning and we always want to fly but safety is the first priority. We love to get in the air and put on a show and we will do it every time we are able.